The Toddler Program:

This program is built upon goals that will develop the child’s inner sense of self. The prepared classroom allows each child to respond to that inherent need to explore the world, to learn the boundaries that will keep them safe, and to experience the fundamentals of working well with others. The toddler environment recognizes the developmentally sensitive periods of the two and young three year old, focusing on support for emerging language, developing independence, and mastering large motor coordination.

Of fundamental importance is the gradual separation of each child from his or her primary caretaker. The Montessori toddler program protects this fragile stage of development by creating a very gentle and slow parting of each adult-child couple.

"I can do it myself"

Toddler curriculum

“ Our daughter excelled in the quiet, diverse and challenging classroom with their teacher’s guidance…The toddler class builds an awesome foundation for an independent, considerate and industrious child.”
— Tim & Carrie Regan, Brixham parents

Every time I drop my daughter off at Brixham Montessori Friends School I marvel at how a small, committed group of people are able to create such a magical oasis for children. Entering BMFS is like entering a parallel universe where life is simple and all that matters is exploring the world and having fun doing it... And, most importantly, there are kind, smiling children and adults at every turn.
— Steve Chmielnicki, Brixham parent

Brixham is a place that provides a warm, loving and kind environment where children are respected just the way they are and all their needs are met. The children’s independence is fostered and I am constantly amazed at how capable those little people are. The teachers are sensitive to the children’s needs and treat them in a respectful and kind manner. The toddler room is a place where parents can leave their child with a sense of peace and the knowledge that he/she is treated well in a caring environment that fosters friendships, independence, confidence and growth. It has been a joy to see our son thrive at Brixham.
— Angelika Weiser-Smith, Brixham parent