Celebrating 20 years of Montessori!

It’s 2020 and a year to celebrate as Brixham Montessori Friends School turns 20! Like a child, Brixham has also developed through ages and stages in its growth as an institution. Cycles of rapid growth and expansion followed by periods of consolidation and fine-tuning. As we move into adulthood, I anticipate another period of growth and expansion and hope you can join us in our evolution! On Tuesday, March 3rd  at 6:30pm we will show the film, Inside Montessori, at the York Public Library. This film brings insight into the power of a Montessori education and its transformational outcome for not just students and their families, but for humanity as a whole. Please arrive early for refreshments and rsvp by emailing us at bmfs@brixhammontessori.org. This event is free and open to the public- we hope to see you!